Earthworks Manual - Specific technical developments – 2D - Earthworks execution and controls
The Booklet 2D downloadable on this page, deals with the execution of the earthworks, based on earthworks studies and project, covered in Booklet 2C.
Like Part 2C, Part 2D of the Manual concerns major linear infrastructures, road or rail, for which the economic and environmental issues are particularly highlighted.
The Booklet 2D deals with the following components:
Optimization of the earthwork project at the construction stage
The earthworks project studies, earth movement and associated planning, as well as the adequacy of equipment resources, are finalized at the construction stage.
Adaptations of the project to the encountered ground are generally necessary, in particular according to complementary geotechnical investigations.
Construction processes for earth-structures
The processes result from site material resources and construction provisions of earth-structures, defined by the project.
The constructive provisions considered are relating to the earth-structures including structural layers of the infrastructure and to specific particular structures.
Specific construction provisions concern including particular structures, slopes - cuttings and fills - and base fill area.
Earthworks operations
The various earthworks operations, excavation and loading, transport, grading, final adjustment, compaction, are optimized by the choice of equipment and techniques, according to the nature of materials.
Productions and construction costs
This booklet presents the main elements for assessing the costs of earthworks for infrastructure projects.
Earthworks monitoring and control
Controls concern the execution of works and the conformity of built structures. The booklet deals with the different types of specifications and controls, their organization and the main testing methods used in the earthworks field.
PART 1 - General considerations
PART 2 - Specific technical development
2A / Materials
2B / Treatment of materials
2C / Earthworks project
2D / Earthworks execution and controls
2E / Environmental aspects
Information sheet
- Date: 2025
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico D.4 Terrassements et routes non revêtues / Earthworks and Unpaved Roads / Obras de tierra y caminos no pavimentados
- Domain(s): Road Earthworks
- Type: Earthworks execution and controls - Report and appendices
- PIARC Ref.: 2021R02D